
(2023) Fundamental Tools: Lecturer

Graduate course, University of Warwick, Warwick Business School, 2023

The module provides a thorough introduction into probability spaces, random variables, expectation, convergence of random variables and uniform integrability. It is specifically tailored for students taking the Master’s in Mathematical Finance at the University of Warwick. Lecture notes available upon request.

(2022) Fundamental Tools: Lecturer

Graduate course, University of Warwick, Warwick Business School, 2022

The module provides a thorough introduction into probability spaces, random variables, expectation, convergence of random variables and uniform integrability. It is specifically tailored for students taking the Master’s in Mathematical Finance at the University of Warwick. Lecture notes available upon request.

(2021) Stochastic Calculus for Finance: Teaching Assistant

Graduate course, University of Warwick, Statistics Department, 2021

The module provides a thorough introduction into discrete-time martingale theory, Brownian motion, and stochastic calculus, illustrated by examples from Mathematical Finance.

(2021) Stochastic Processes: Teaching Assistant

Undergraduate course, University of Warwick, Statistics Department, 2021

The module give an introduction to discrete Markov processes, the long-run behaviour of Markov chains, and related applications.

(2021) Fundamental Tools: Lecturer

Graduate course, University of Warwick, Warwick Business School, 2021

The module provides a thorough introduction into probability spaces, random variables, expectation, convergence of random variables and uniform integrability. It is specifically tailored for students taking the Master’s in Mathematical Finance at the University of Warwick. Lecture notes available upon request.

(2021) Functional Analysis 2: Teaching Assistant

Undergraduate course, University of Warwick, Mathematics Department, 2020

The module covers the Hahn-Banach theorem, the Banach-Steinhaus Theorem, the definition of weak and weak$^*$ convergence, the Banach-Alaoglu theorem etc.

(2020) Stochastic Processes: Teaching Assistant

Undergraduate course, University of Warwick, Statistics Department, 2020

The module give an introduction to discrete Markov processes, the long-run behaviour of Markov chains, and related applications.

(2020) Fundamental Tools: Lecturer

Graduate course, University of Warwick, Warwick Business School, 2020

The module provides a thorough introduction into probability spaces, random variables, expectation, convergence of random variables and uniform integrability. It is specifically tailored for students taking the Master’s in Mathematical Finance at the University of Warwick. Lecture notes available upon request.

(2019) Measure Theory: Teaching Assistant

Undergraduate course, University of Warwick, Mathematics Department, 2019

The Module covers the the construction of a measure from outer measure, the construction of the Lebesgue’s measure, Lebesgue-Stieltjes measures, examples of non-measurable sets, Lusin’s Theorem, Egoroff’s Theorem, Radon-Nikodym theorem, Riesz representation theorem etc.